
Thursday 21 March 2013

Unit 28 Task 1

Once a website is made, a person has to buy a hosting server to put the site on. This server saves the site and allows anyone on the internet access to the site through a unique IP address. The owner of the site gets a domain name register; this saves users a lot of hassle as instead of typing an entire IP code, they can instead use a simpler address such as

There are three types of Internet service providers; direct access ISPs, which directly connect clients to the Internet using copper wires, wireless or fibre-optic connections, and Hosting ISPs which lease server space to smaller businesses and other people. Transit ISPs provide large amounts of bandwidth for connecting hosting ISPs to access ISPs.

A web hosting service is a type of Internet hosting service that allows individuals and organizations to make their website accessible via the World Wide Web. Web hosts are companies that provide space on a server owned or leased for use by clients, as well as providing Internet connectivity, typically in a data centre.
A domain is a group of interconnected computers that maintain accounts and its own security locally, all account logins are done within the domain, and each account has its own file and application servers. In larger companies, there may be several isolated domains, one for each department e.g. an accounting domain, a database domain, and an administrative domain.

A domain name registrar is an organization or commercial entity that manages the reservation of Internet domain names. A domain name registrar must be accredited by a generic top-level domain (gTLD) registry and/or a country code top-level domain (ccTLD) registry. The management is done in accordance with the guidelines of the designated domain name registries and to offer such services to the public.

The World Wide Web (abbreviated as WWW or W3, commonly known as the Web), is a system of interlinked hypertext documents accessed via the Internet. With a web browser, one can view web pages that may contain text, images, videos, and other multimedia, and navigate between them via hyperlinks.

Thursday 7 March 2013

Unit 43 Task 7

The following are screenshots of the presentation both before and after the improvements were made:

One of the amendments I was told to do was to include more colour to the slides, which I have done, along with making the page tabs more obvious. I could not however do anything with the books or angle the text around them, as this was outside of my ability to do so, while angling the text around the book may have made for a more professional looking presentation, I was unable to make such an effect look realistic as CJ had wanted me to do, despite my best attempts.
Inlaying the page turn tabs in red and adding arrows to them had made them seem more obvious, and has added more colour to the presentation as was suggested. And adding more colour has made the presentation seem livelier, and by extension has made it fit for purpose as now the audience will not be bored of it after the first page.
My first idea for an improvement would have been to include an interactive science experiment that follows the school curriculum, salt crystals for example, however I am uncertain that even if I were fully trained to use director that I would be able to make it work. As a result I would improve the presentation with more animations and colours, rather than having it as bland as it is currently. Perhaps add in a watermarked science room image as a background, or animate the logo I created.

Friday 1 March 2013

Unit 43 Task 6

WORK EVALUATED: Multimedia product designed for Btec ICT course

ASSESSOR: CJ Milne (Peer)

WORK CREATED BY: Aiden Clark (Student)

Aiden’s multimedia project features an innovative design which

features a book layout featuring his chosen department of science.

The opening of his project has an interactive map of the department

which then leads toward the individual subjects the school teaches;

Physics, Biology and Chemistry. The project then shows highlights of

the curriculum and the interesting things one can learn from studying


The project was fit for the purpose of presenting his department to

prospective parents and students, it featured simple language and easy

to see pictures which crossed the barriers a disability might cause

such as lack of sight of long/short sight. Aiden’s project includes a

massive amount of information detailing the units a student studies

whilst at the Kingswood school throughout the years. The video

included is both eye-catching and informative towards the subject. The

interactive features are suitable and fit the design specification.

The elements of media Aiden features are appropriate toward his

specification as they are workable and easy to identify especially for

younger viewers. They feature easily recognizable colour schemes and

all the images are simple and useful towards his goal. The video

placed into the used easy to understanding language and contained no

swear words or inappropriate moments. Overall Aiden’s media within his

project is very suitable and appropriate for his target audience.

Aiden’s project worked at the time I assessed it and had no broken

links or faulty videos all of his content worked and was at a good

pixel quality with all of them running at no less than 340p.

The project overall sets a professional theme as its good quality of

design and media contents run flawless within the project the colour

scheme fits well and the transitions are used correctly and are well

employed towards a professional setting being produced. I believe that

Aiden has put a massive amount of energy and effort into this project

with the goal of producing high-level professional work fit for


Although Aiden’s work is of a high standard there are some

improvements that can be made towards the work to improve it the

little that it’s needs to become a professional and higher level of

work needed to reach better grades.

1. A larger logo which actively shows the science feature of the school.

2. The addition of more colours on most screens as it is mostly

white and lacks colour on pages.

3. The lines used to draw the book are wonky and not smooth at most points

4. The tabs used to turn the pages need to be annotated to show

they are to turn pages and to coloured accordingly.

5. The text on the ‘book’ pages does not fit and is not warped

to the ‘book’ and appear unprofessional and tacky.

I will now work to amend these problems if possible.

for CJs own work I wrote

Task 6 evaluation

Assessor: Aiden Clark

Work created by: CJ Milne

The product is fit for the purpose it was made for; it gives the necessary information on the department CJ chose to do without being overly complicated. While there are no video clips, CJ makes extensive use of images, one on every page. The logo however looks to be just a recolor of the history channel logo, which in my eyes isn’t the most professional thing CJ could have made, in regards to a professional standard, CJ could have improved his work by sticking to a singular colour scheme . I have so far been unable to find any errors and all of the links worth.

1. Keep layout consistent rather than opening the navigation menu all over the pages

2. Put the logo you made on every page

3. One of the logos ‘jumps’ slightly, find some way of stopping this

4. Unless necessary to the design, please keep to a singular colour scheme

5. make the logo look less like it was just a re-skinned history channel logo