
Thursday 22 November 2012

Unit 43 Task 1

Science Department

for the target audience the presentation needs to provide information, while retaining some entertainment to prevent the parents and the students from growing bored of the product. The presentation should be usable no matter the users I.T. experience, and use simplified words to ensure that no matter the users literacy level they can understand the content.

Video:- An interview with subject teachers, which will give a professional insight into the topic, appeals to parents in that they know what the course will entail and whether they want to expose their children to such. gives information on the subjects, parents are the target audience. helps to promote the department.

Also considering the use of in lesson footage to give more information, and also entertain potential students if an interesting experiment is being conducted.

Text:- current student's comments on the department, should give a more 'personal' feel to the presentation, informs parents of what the pupils actually think about the subject, include subtitles for the hard of hearing, use less complicated vocabulary for those who do not understand it.

Images:- Annotated Biology diagrams, gives information, nothing too graphic to make sure not to drive squeamish students away, directed towards parents as it shows some course material, and to student for the same reason

Graphics:- considering the use of an interactive map of the department with hotpots over the class rooms, not appealing to a specific audience but allows a full tour of the department without leaving the home. informs students on the department's layout, so students are the target audience.

Audio:- audio will be tied in to video, so will give information and be aimed at parents also useful for the blind

Animation:- similar to images, use an animation of a particular experiment to show course material to parents and students

Links:- link to Kingswood homepage or science homepage if available, no specific target audience

All forms of media are multiplatform